Buffalo chicken pizza

10 Steps to Making the Best Buffalo Chicken Pizza: A Delicious and Spicy Delight

History of Buffalo Chicken Pizza

Origins of Buffalo Chicken Pizza

The origins of buffalo chicken pizza date back to the 1960s in Buffalo, New York. The story begins with Teressa Bellissimo, co-owner of the Anchor Bar, who created the now-iconic buffalo wings. According to legend, one night, Teressa needed a quick snack for her son and his friends. She deep-fried some chicken wings, tossed them in a spicy hot sauce, and served them with celery and blue cheese dressing. The combination of crispy wings and tangy sauce was an instant hit, and buffalo wings became a sensation. This culinary innovation laid the foundation for the creation of buffalo chicken pizza.

Buffalo chicken pizza
Buffalo chicken pizza

The Birth of Buffalo Chicken Pizza

The birth of buffalo chicken pizza came as a natural progression from the popularity of buffalo wings. Pizzerias and home cooks began experimenting with different ways to incorporate the spicy and tangy flavors of buffalo chicken pizza. The idea was simple yet brilliant: replace the traditional tomato sauce with buffalo sauce, add pieces of cooked buffalo chicken, and top it with a blend of mozzarella and blue cheese. This fusion of flavors created a unique and delicious pizza that quickly gained a following. Buffalo chicken pizza offered a new twist on traditional pizza, appealing to those who loved the bold flavors of buffalo wings.

Evolution and Popularity

Over the years, buffalo chicken pizza has evolved, with variations and enhancements emerging to cater to diverse tastes. Some versions feature ranch dressing instead of blue cheese, while others add toppings like red onions, jalapeños, or even bacon for extra flavor. The versatility of buffalo chicken pizza has contributed to its widespread popularity. Today, it is a staple in many pizzerias and is often featured on menus alongside traditional Buffalo chicken pizza varieties. Its popularity has also extended to frozen pizza brands, making it accessible to a broader audience. The fusion of spicy buffalo chicken pizza and comforting pizza has created a beloved dish that continues to captivate pizza lovers everywhere.

Essential Ingredients for Buffalo Chicken Pizza


The foundation of any great buffalo chicken pizza lies in the chicken itself. Choose skinless, boneless chicken thighs or breasts for optimal results. These cuts provide tender, juicy meat that perfectly absorbs the spicy buffalo sauce. Start by seasoning the chicken with salt, pepper, and a hint of garlic powder before cooking. You can either grill, bake, or sauté the chicken until it’s cooked through and has a slight char for added flavor. Once cooked, shred or dice the chicken into bite-sized pieces, making it easier to distribute evenly across the Buffalo chicken pizza.

Buffalo Sauce

Buffalo sauce is the star of the show, delivering the signature tangy and spicy flavor that defines buffalo chicken pizza. To make an authentic buffalo sauce, combine hot sauce (such as Frank’s Red Hot) with melted butter. The ratio typically used is 2 parts hot sauce to 1 part butter, but you can adjust it to suit your heat preference. For added depth, you can mix in a splash of vinegar, a pinch of garlic powder, and a dash of Worcestershire sauce. Toss the cooked chicken in the buffalo sauce, ensuring each piece is well-coated and bursting with flavor.

Cheese Selection

Cheese is a crucial component that brings all the flavors together, providing a creamy, melty contrast to the spicy buffalo chicken. Mozzarella is the classic choice for its excellent melting properties and mild flavor, but don’t be afraid to mix in other cheeses for extra depth. Cheddar adds a sharp, tangy bite that complements the buffalo sauce, while blue cheese offers a bold, pungent flavor that pairs wonderfully with the spiciness of the chicken. Spread a generous layer of shredded cheese over the buffalo chicken pizza to create a gooey, irresistible topping that will have everyone reaching for another slice.

Making the Perfect Dough

Traditional Pizza Dough

Creating the perfect dough is the foundation of any great pizza, and buffalo chicken pizza is no exception. Traditional pizza dough requires a few simple ingredients: flour, water, yeast, salt, and a bit of olive oil. Start by mixing the yeast with warm water and letting it sit until it becomes frothy. This activates the yeast, ensuring your dough will rise properly. Combine the flour and salt in a separate bowl, then gradually mix in the yeast mixture and olive oil. Knead the dough until it becomes smooth and elastic, then let it rise in a warm place until it doubles in size. This process usually takes about an hour. Traditional dough provides a chewy and slightly crispy base.

Buffalo chicken pizza
Buffalo chicken pizza

Gluten-Free Dough Options

For those with gluten sensitivities or preferences, gluten-free dough is a fantastic alternative. There are numerous gluten-free flour blends available that can mimic the texture and flavor of traditional dough. Popular options include almond flour, rice flour, and tapioca starch. The process of making gluten-free dough is similar to traditional dough but requires specific ratios to achieve the right consistency. Additionally, xanthan gum or psyllium husk can be added to help bind the dough and give it elasticity. Many gluten-free dough recipes call for a pre-bake to firm up the crust before adding toppings, ensuring a crispy and delicious base for your buffalo chicken pizza.

Tips for Crispy Crust

Achieving a crispy crust is a common goal for many pizza lovers. To get that perfect crunch, start by preheating your oven to the highest temperature possible, typically around 500°F (260°C). Using a pizza stone or a preheated baking sheet can also help by providing an even heat source. Roll out your dough thinly and evenly, and consider using a fork to prick small holes in the surface to prevent air bubbles. Another tip is to brush the edges of the dough with olive oil before baking, which helps to create a golden, crispy outer crust. Finally, baking your pizza on a lower oven rack ensures that the bottom of the crust cooks thoroughly without burning the toppings.

Preparing Buffalo Chicken

Cooking Methods

Buffalo chicken pizza can be prepared using various cooking methods, each bringing a unique texture and flavor to your pizza. Grilling the chicken imparts a smoky taste that pairs wonderfully with the spicy buffalo sauce. To grill, simply season the chicken breasts with salt and pepper, cook over medium-high heat until fully cooked, and then slice or shred. Baking is another popular method, where the chicken is seasoned and cooked in the oven until tender. For a quicker option, you can also use pre-cooked rotisserie chicken, which can be shredded and mixed with buffalo sauce directly.

Marinating Techniques

Marinating the chicken in buffalo sauce before cooking enhances its flavor and ensures that each bite is packed with spicy goodness. To marinate, combine your preferred buffalo sauce with a bit of olive oil, garlic powder, and onion powder. Place the chicken in a resealable plastic bag or a shallow dish, pour the marinade over it, and let it sit in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes, or, for a stronger flavour, for up to overnight. Marinating not only infuses the chicken with flavor but also helps to keep it moist during cooking.

Shredding vs. Chopping

When it comes to preparing the chicken for your pizza, you can either shred or chop it, depending on your preference. Shredded chicken creates a more uniform texture and allows the buffalo sauce to coat each piece thoroughly. To shred, simply use two forks to pull the cooked chicken apart into thin strips. Chopped chicken, on the other hand, provides a heartier bite and can be easier to distribute evenly across the pizza. For chopping, cut the cooked chicken into small, bite-sized pieces. Both methods work well, so choose the one that best suits your desired texture and presentation.

Building Your Pizza

Spreading the Sauce

The first step in building your buffalo chicken pizza is spreading the sauce. Traditional buffalo sauce, made from a blend of hot sauce, butter, and seasonings, is the star of the show. Begin by spooning a generous amount of buffalo sauce onto your prepared pizza dough. Spread the sauce evenly using the back of a spoon, leaving a little border for the crust around the edges. The key is to ensure an even layer that covers the entire base, providing a consistent flavor in every bite. If you prefer a milder heat, you can mix the buffalo sauce with a bit of ranch or blue cheese dressing to tone down the spiciness.

Buffalo chicken pizza
Buffalo chicken pizza

Adding the Chicken

Next, it’s time to add the buffalo chicken. Whether you’ve grilled, baked, or used rotisserie chicken, make sure it’s well-coated in buffalo sauce for maximum flavor. Scatter the shredded or chopped chicken evenly over the sauced dough. The goal is to distribute the chicken uniformly so that each slice of pizza has a balanced amount of meat. You can also drizzle a bit more buffalo sauce over the chicken for an extra kick. The spicy, tangy chicken is the highlight of this pizza, so don’t skimp on this crucial ingredient.

Choosing Additional Toppings

While buffalo chicken pizza is the main attraction, adding a few complementary toppings can elevate your pizza. Mozzarella cheese is a must for its gooey, melty texture. You can also sprinkle on some blue cheese crumbles for a sharp, tangy contrast. Other popular toppings include red onion slices, which add a bit of crunch and sweetness, and green bell peppers for a pop of color and freshness.If you enjoy spicy food, you might want to add some jalapeño slices. Remember, the toppings should enhance, not overpower, the buffalo chicken pizza flavor.

Baking Techniques

Oven Temperature and Timing

Baking your buffalo chicken pizza at the right temperature and for the correct amount of time is crucial for achieving the perfect crust and melted toppings. Preheat your oven to 475°F (245°C), ensuring it reaches the desired temperature before placing your pizza inside. Bake the pizza for about 12-15 minutes, or until the crust is golden and the cheese is bubbly and slightly browned. Keep an eye on the pizza towards the end of the baking time to prevent overcooking.

Using a Pizza Stone

A pizza stone can make a significant difference in the texture of your pizza crust. While the oven is heating up, prepare the stone. When you’re ready to bake, carefully transfer the assembled pizza onto the hot stone using a pizza peel or an inverted baking sheet. The pizza stone helps distribute heat evenly and absorbs moisture from the dough, resulting in a crispy, restaurant-quality crust. If you don’t have a pizza stone, a preheated baking sheet can also work well.

Achieving the Perfect Melt

The perfect melt for the cheese is essential for a visually appealing and delicious buffalo chicken pizza. To achieve this, use a combination of mozzarella for its meltability and a small amount of cheddar or blue cheese for added flavor. Make sure the pizza is equally covered in cheese once the sauce has been poured and the toppings have been added. As the pizza bakes, the cheese should melt smoothly, creating a bubbly, golden layer. For an extra touch, you can broil the pizza for the last minute or two of baking, which helps achieve a beautifully browned and bubbly cheese top without burning the crust.

Creative Variations

BBQ Buffalo Chicken Pizza

For a smoky and sweet twist on the classic, try a BBQ buffalo chicken pizza. Start by mixing your buffalo sauce with a bit of your favorite BBQ sauce to create a unique, tangy flavor profile. Spread this hybrid sauce over your dough, then add your buffalo chicken. Top with a blend of mozzarella and cheddar cheese for a rich, melty finish. For added texture and flavor, consider sprinkling on some caramelized onions or crispy bacon bits. This variation combines the best of both worlds, offering a delicious fusion of spicy buffalo and sweet BBQ flavors.

Ranch Buffalo Chicken Pizza

Ranch buffalo chicken pizza is perfect for those who love the cooling effect of ranch dressing with their spicy chicken. Begin by spreading a thin layer of ranch dressing over the pizza dough instead of the traditional buffalo sauce. Add the buffalo chicken, ensuring it’s well-coated in buffalo sauce for a perfect balance of heat and creaminess. Top with mozzarella cheese and, if desired, a few dollops of additional ranch dressing. You can also sprinkle some green onions or chives for a fresh, zesty touch. This variation is a crowd-pleaser, combining the tangy spice of buffalo chicken pizza with the smooth, creamy taste of ranch.

Vegan Buffalo buffalo chicken Pizza

Creating a vegan buffalo chicken pizza is easier than you might think and equally delicious. Start with a vegan pizza dough and spread a buffalo sauce made from hot sauce and vegan butter. For the chicken substitute, use seasoned and cooked tofu, tempeh, or a store-bought vegan chicken alternative, ensuring it’s well-coated in the buffalo sauce. Top with vegan mozzarella or cheddar cheese, which melts beautifully in the oven. Add some red onion slices and bell peppers for extra crunch and color. This vegan version offers all the bold flavors of the original while catering to a plant-based diet.

Serving and Pairing Suggestions

Side Dishes

Buffalo chicken pizza pairs wonderfully with a variety of side dishes. A fresh green salad with a tangy vinaigrette can help balance the richness of the pizza. For a more indulgent side, consider serving garlic bread or cheesy breadsticks. Celery and carrot sticks with ranch or blue cheese dressing are also great for adding a crunchy, refreshing contrast to the spicy pizza. These sides complement the buffalo chicken pizza without overwhelming its bold flavors.

Beverage Pairings

When it comes to beverages, a cold, crisp beer is a classic choice that pairs excellently with buffalo chicken pizza. A pale ale or lager can help cut through the spiciness and cleanse your palate between bites. If you prefer non-alcoholic options, a fizzy soda or a refreshing iced tea can provide a similar effect. For a more adventurous pairing, try a margarita or a glass of sparkling water with a splash of lime. These beverages enhance the dining experience by balancing the heat and richness of the buffalo chicken pizza.

Buffalo chicken pizza
Buffalo chicken pizza

Presentation Tips

Presentation can make your buffalo chicken pizza even more enticing. After baking, let the buffalo chicken pizza cool for a minute before slicing to prevent the toppings from sliding off. Use a sharp pizza cutter to cut uniformly sized pieces. Arrange the slices on a large, attractive serving platter. Garnish with a sprinkle of fresh herbs like parsley or cilantro, and drizzle some extra buffalo sauce or ranch dressing over the top for added visual appeal. Serving on a wooden board or a colorful plate can also elevate the presentation, making your pizza look as good as it tastes.


Buffalo chicken pizza is a delightful fusion of spicy, tangy, and savory flavors that brings a modern twist to the classic pizza. From crafting the perfect dough to mastering the marination and cooking techniques for the chicken, every step contributes to a delicious and satisfying final product. Whether you prefer traditional toppings or want to experiment with creative variations like BBQ or vegan buffalo chicken pizza, there are endless ways to enjoy this culinary creation.By following the detailed instructions for spreading the sauce, adding the chicken, and choosing complementary toppings, you can build a buffalo chicken pizza that is both visually appealing and bursting with flavor.


 What makes buffalo chicken pizza different from other pizzas?

Buffalo chicken pizza stands out due to its spicy buffalo sauce, tender chicken pieces, and a blend of cheeses that complement the tangy flavors. It’s a unique combination that offers a delicious twist on traditional pizza.

 Can I make buffalo chicken pizza at home?

Absolutely! Making buffalo chicken pizza at home is easy and allows you to customize the ingredients to your liking. You can create a restaurant-quality pizza in your kitchen with the right recipe and ingredients.

 What type of cheese works best for buffalo chicken pizza?

Mozzarella is popular due to its reliability and mild flavor, which pairs well with the bold buffalo sauce. Cheddar, blue cheese, and provolone can also enhance the flavor profile.

 Is there a vegetarian version of buffalo chicken pizza?

A: Yes, you can make a vegetarian version by using plant-based chicken substitutes or even buffalo-flavored cauliflower. The key is to maintain the spicy buffalo sauce and complement it with suitable vegetarian toppings.

 How can I make the buffalo chicken pizza crust crispy?

To achieve a crispy crust, bake the buffalo chicken pizza at a high temperature (around 475°F) and use a pizza stone or preheated baking sheet. Ensuring the dough is rolled out thinly and avoiding excessive toppings can also help.

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